


DATE: March 19, 2013


LOCATION: Seuss Room, Geisel Library, UC San Diego

9500 Gilman Drive, 0175K, La Jolla, CA 92093


TIME: 1:15-ca. 4:30 pm



Schedule: Tuesday, March 19, 2013, 1:15-ca. 4:30 PM

Note: The schedule may be adjusted later based on the progress of the class. But, we will try our best to finish the class before 4:45 PM.

1:15-1:20         Introduction (Elman)
1:20-1:45         Presentation on Personal names and Corporate body names (Zoom)
1:45-2:15         Practicum for personal and corporate names (Facilitators)
2:15-2:30         Presentation on Family name, Works and Expressions (Zoom)
2:30-2:45         Practicum for works and expressions (Facilitators)
2:45-3:10         Updates in Common areas (Zoom)
3:10-3:25         Break
3:25-3:55         NACO file changes and what to do (Zoom)
3:55-4:25         Q & A (Trainer and facilitators)
4:25-                Wrap up (Zoom/Elman)

Trainers and facilitators:

Lead Trainer:   Jessalyn Zoom (Library of Congress)
Coordinator:    Sarah S. Elman (Columbia University)
  -- Chinese:    Charlene Chou & Sarah S. Elman (Columbia University)
  -- Japanese:  Hideyuki Morimoto ((Columbia University)
  -- Korean:     Erica Chang (University of Hawaii)

Training Materials:

The training materials for the CJK Authority Records in RDA session (Tuesday afternoon) have been uploaded to the following Wiki:


Please take a look at the documents beforehand and determine whether you need to bring hard copies with you or not. If you are not bringing your computer to the class (or if you prefer to do your hands-on exercises on paper), please bring the following documents with you.

-- 1 copy of each PDF file starting with the acronym of your language, e.g. CHI-, JPN-, or KOR- (They are surrogates for creating authority records. You should have a total of 7 files.)

-- 7 copies of the RDA CJK NACO Work Form.docx form. (Note: If you prefer to use the RIMMF Template described below, you may adjust the no. of copies accordingly.)

-- 1 copy of the RIMMF_Template_Corporate Body.doc form (Note: If you prefer to use it for your exercise instead of using the RDA CJK NACO Work Form.docx form, you should bring 2 copies.)

-- 1 copy of the RIMMF_Template_Person.doc form (Note: same as above.)

Our lead trainer Jessalyn Zoom’s PowerPoint presentation is also posted at the wiki under file name RDA_Authorities_2013CEAL.ppt. You may decide whether you want to bring a hard copy with you or not.

You may also find the following document useful to bring as reference for the practicum session:

MARC 21 encoding to accommodate new RDA elements 046 and 3XX in NARs and SARs: