Page history
last edited
by Hideyuki Morimoto 4 years, 12 months ago
- Update to the beta RDA toolkit, Feb. 7, 2020
- Best practices for cataloging DVD-video and Blu-ray discs using RDA and MARC21. Version 1.1, rev. (August 2018)
(August 2018 two changes on page 112: from rdaspc to rdacpc 344___$g surround $g mono $2 rdacpc; 344___$g surround $2 rdacpc)
- Cataloging and the RDA toolkit beta site : what should PCC catalogers know?
- Best practices for cataloging streaming media using RDA and MARC21. Version 1.1 (April 2018)
- Best practices for cataloging video games using RDA and MARC21. Version 1.1 (April 2018)
- Best practices for cataloging DVD-video and Blu-ray discs using RDA and MARC21. Version 1.1 (November 2017)
- 3R Project : frequently asked questions. Jan. 1, 2018
- MARC 21 format update. No. 25 (December 2017)
- DCM. 2017 Update 3
- Changes in LC-PCC policy statements in the August 2017 release of the RDA toolkit
- DCM, Z1. Rev., Apr. 2017
- LC Summary of RDA Updates for April 2017 Toolkit Update
- Changes in LC-PCC policy statements in the April 2017 release of the RDA toolkit
- Fast Track entries and other revisions included in the April 2017 update of RDA Toolkit
- RDA changes from 2016 proposals and discussion papers for the April 2017 update of RDA
- DCM, Z1. Rev., Feb. 2017
- LC Guidelines Supplement to the MARC 21 Format for Authority Data. Rev., Feb. 2017
- Changes in LC-PCC policy statements in the February 2017 release of the RDA toolkit
- Fast track entries and other revisions included in the February 2017 release of RDA toolkit
- DCM, Z1. Rev., Oct. 2016
- Changes in LC-PCC policy statements in the October 2016 release of the RDA toolkit
- Fast track entries and other revisions included in the October 2016 release of RDA toolkit
- DCM, Z1, Rev., Aug. 2016
- Revisions to RDA reference and related instructions included in the August 2016 release of RDA toolkit
- Fast track entries and other revisions included in the August 2016 release of RDA toolkit
- NACO training. Module 6, Describing works and expressions. Rev. Aug. 3, 2016
- Changes in LC-PCC Policy Statements in the August 2016 release of the RDA toolkit
- DCM, Z1, Rev., Apr. 2016
- Changes in LC-PCC policy statements in the April 2016 release of the RDA toolkit
- LC Summary of RDA Updates for April 2016 Update of the RDA toolkit
- Fast track entries and other revisions included in the April 2016 release of RDA toolkit
- RDA changes from 2015 proposals for the April 2016 update of RDA toolkit
- DCM. Z1. Rev. Feb. 2016
- Changes in LC-PCC Policy Statements in the February 2016 release of the RDA toolkit
- Fast track entries and other revisions included in the February 2016 release of RDA toolkit
- NACO Training. Module 6, Describing works and expressions. Rev. Jan. 27, 2016
- NACO Series Training. Rev. Dec. 2015
- PCC RDA record examples. Rev. Nov. 18, 2015
- Fast Track entries included in the October 2015 release of RDA toolkit
- Changes in LC-PCC Policy Statements in the October 2015 release of the RDA Toolkit
- LC RDA Refreshers. Sept. 2015
- Strawn, Gary L. Tool for creating and modifying authority records in OCLC. Sept. 2, 2015
- Changes in LC-PCC Policy Statements in the August 2015 release of the RDA Toolkit
- DCM. Z1. Rev. Aug. 2015
- Fast Track entries included in the August 2015 release of RDA toolkit
- Best practices for cataloging video games using RDA and MARC21. Version 1.0. June 2015
- RDA print index, through Apr. 2015 release
- MARC 21 format for authority data, update no. 20, Apr. 2015
- MARC 21 format for bibliographic data, update no. 20, Apr. 2015
- LC summary of RDA updates for April 2015 update of the RDA toolkit
- Changes in LC-PCC Policy Statements in the April 2015 release of the RDA Toolkit
- RDA changes for April 2015 update of RDA toolkit. Rev. Mar. 21, 2015
- RDA changes for April 2015 update of RDA toolkit
- Fast Track entries included in the April 2015 update of RDA toolkit
- 2014 JSC proposals and discussion papers : actions taken by JSC
- Best practices for cataloging DVD-video and blu-ray discs using RDA and MARC21. Version 1.0. January 2015
- Best practices for cataloging streaming media using RDA and MARC21. Version 1.0. February 6, 2015
- Changes in LC-PCC Policy Statements in the Feburary 2015 release of the RDA Toolkit Fast track entries included in the February 2015 release of RDA toolkit
- PCC Standing Committee on Training (SCT). Training manual for applying relationship designators in bibliographic records. Dec. 2014
- British Library. "Special topics in RDA. Exhibition and art catalogues"
- PCC Policy Committee Meeting November 6-7, 2014, outcomes
- MARC 21 format for authority data, update no. 19, Oct. 2014
- MARC 21 format for bibliographic data, update no. 19, Oct. 2014
- Changes in LC-PCC Policy Statements in the October 2014 release of the RDA Toolkit
- Fast Track entries included in the October 2014 update of RDA toolkit
- LC-PCC PS,, Alternative. Aug. 2014
- Series training for PCC participants : series statements and series authority records. Preliminary edition. May 2014
- PCC BIBFRAME Survey Analysis. July 30, 2014
- The Program for Cooperative Cataloging and the Library of Congress Support BIBFRAME as the Model to Help the Library Community Move into the Linked Data Environment. June 20, 2014
- Chinese translation of RDA, 资源描述与检索(RDA), Apr. 2014
- MARC 21 format for authority data, update no. 18, Apr. 2014
- MARC 21 format for bibliographic data, update no. 18, Apr. 2014
- PCC RDA BIBCO standard record (BSR) metadata application profile. Rev., Apr. 15, 2014
- PCC post-RDA test guidelines. Rev., Apr. 23, 2014
- LC summary of RDA updates for April 2014 update of the RDA toolkit
- LC RDA core elements. Rev., Apr. 17, 2014
- Changes in LC-PCC PS in the April 2014 release of the RDA toolkit
- RDA changes from the 2013 approved proposals for the April 2014 update of the RDA toolkit
- PCC guidelines for the application of relationship designators in authority records. Feb. 24, 2014
- Music Library Association. Bibliographic Control Committee. RDA Music Implementation Task Force. "Best practices for music cataloging using RDA and MARC21." Version 1.0. February 21, 2014
- DCM, Z1, 008/32. Rev. Apr. 2014
- Changes to LC-PCC PS in the February 2014 release of the RDA toolkit
- PCC Policy Committee Meeting November 7-8, 2013, outcomes
- Fast Track entries included in the February 2014 release of the RDA toolkit. Feb. 5, 2014
- Pinterest Group Board on RDA
- 2013 JSC proposals and discussion papers : actions taken by JSC
- DCM, Z1, 008/32. Rev. Feb. 2014--Jan. 2014 version
- DCM, Z1, 008/32. Rev. Feb. 2014
- RDA工作坊手冊 / 國家圖書館辦理. -- [臺北市] : [國家圖書館], [民102.05]. -- 372面 : 圖, 書影 ; 26公分. -- Proceedings of RDA工作坊 (民102 : 國家圖書館)
- Outcomes of the 2013 JSC Meeting
- Fast Track entries included in the November 2013 release of the RDA toolkit, Nov. 3, 2013
- New PCC policy on formulating place names to be used in MARC 21 field 370 (Associated place) in NACO authority records. Sept. 26, 2013
- MARC 21 format for authority data, update no. 17, Sept. 2013
- MARC 21 format for bibliographic data, update no. 17, Sept. 2013
- New first indicator and new subfields for MARC 21 field 382 (Medium of performance) in NACO authority records. Sept. 11, 2013
- New PCC policy on formulating place names to be used in MARC 21 field 370 (Associated place) in NACO authority records. Sept. 11, 2013
- Library of Congress. Policy and Standards Division. Instructions for fixing the RDA blank screen problem when viewing Cataloger’s Desktop with Firefox release 23.0 or later or Internet Explorer IE8/9. Sept. 9, 2013
- RDA : resource description and access. Print. 2013 revision. Chicago, Ill. : American Library Association, 2013. ISBN 9780838912102. (to be published, Sept. 23, 2013)
- James, Kate. "RDA special topics. Compilations & collaborations." Rev., Aug. 2013 (previously by Ana Lupe Cristán, July 2012)
- PCC post-RDA test guidelines. Rev., Aug. 29, 2013
- NACO Training, July 2013
- Carlton, Tim. "Copy cataloging using RDA." July 2013
- Word, etc., indicating relationship of personal name containing surname : RDA NARs for Japanese Cases. July 15, 2013
- Fast Track entries included in the July 2013 update of the RDA toolkit
- Changes to LC-PCC PS in the July 9, 2013 release of the RDA toolkit
- Shaffer, Roberta I. "Update for 2013 ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition. January-May 2013."
Fictitious and legendary characters, and animals with proper names
Historically, headings for fictitious and legendary characters and animals with proper names have been established as subject headings in LCSH. With RDA, these entities can now be considered creators or contributors to works. According to the current LC-PCC Policy Statements, when a fictitious or legendary character, or named animal, is a creator or contributor, a name authority record should be made in addition to the subject heading.
That instruction will change with the July 9, 2013 update to the RDA toolkit. Beginning on that date, headings for fictitious and legendary characters and animals with proper names will be established only in the name authority file using RDA instructions. The RDA heading [sic] will be valid for use as a subject heading. Proposals to establish new LC subject headings for characters and animals with proper names will not be accepted. Existing LC subject headings may continue to be assigned as subject headings.
The new policy will state that a name authority record should be created if a character or an animal with a proper name is needed for the descriptive access point. Optionally, catalogers may create a name authority record for any character or animal with a proper name encountered during the course of their regular cataloging duties, even if it is needed only for subject cataloging. In either case, if an LCSH authority record exists, SACO libraries should make and submit a proposal to cancel the subject heading; libraries that are not in the SACO program should request PSD (policy@loc.gov) to create the proposal.
A project to transition all character and individual named animal headings from LCSH will be conducted as resources are available. Catalogers in PCC libraries are requested to refrain from unilaterally undertaking local projects to convert the LC subject headings to name headings in a wholesale manner. Workload and staffing issues do not permit PSD to process the number of proposals that such projects would generate. However, institutions wishing to undertake such a project may contact the Cooperative Programs Section at email address <saco@loc.gov> and the request will be considered.
- PCC Post-RDA Test Guidelines. Rev., June 6, 2013
- Classification and shelflisting manual instruction sheets reflecting RDA instructions. Rev., June 4, 2013
- Revising the [authority] 642 field. May 21, 2013
- PCC guidelines for the application of relationship designators in bibliographic records. Rev., May 16, 2013
- Updated DCM, Z1, 675 instruction due to revised field definition and scope. May 15, 2031
- Carlton, Tim. "Copy cataloging using RDA." May 2013
- Fast track entries included in the May 2013 release of the RDA toolkit
- ALCTS E-Forum: RDA Training, May 14-15, 2013
- Changes to LC-PCC PS in the May 14, 2013 release of the RDA toolkit
- McCutcheon, Sevim. "Designing policy for copy cataloging in RDA." Library collections, acquisitions, & technical services 36 (3/4): 69-78 (2012).
- DCM. 2013 update no. 2 (Apr. 2013)
- Examples of full RDA records (JSC). Bibliographic records. Rev., Apr. 9, 2013
- Revised RDA toolkit release schedule for 2013 (rev., Mar. 26, 2013)
- OCLC Connexion Client Macrobook (rev., Apr. 1, 2013)
- RDA Policies for LC/ABA, Post-March 2013 (Mar. 28, 2013)
- Post RDA Implementation Guidelines and Standards
- Classification and shelflisting manual instruction sheets reflecting RDA instructions. Rev., Mar. 28, 2013
- James, Kate. "RDA special topics. Art catalogs." Rev., Jan. 2013
- LC‐PCC PS for, Option (Fuller form of name). Rev., Feb. 13, 2013
- RDA changes : approved 2012 proposals, Feb. 2013
- Dickerson, Gene. "PCC RDA post-implementation guidelines". Jan. 2013
- Cronin, Christopher. "PCC RDA BIBCO standard record (BSR) metadata application profile." Jan. 2013
- Strawn, Gary L. "Modifying the LC/NACO File, Phase 2." Jan. 2013
- Dyla, Joanna. "Authority record creation on Day One : what catalogers need to know." Jan. 2013
- RDA in NACO Series Training (Jan. 22, 2013)
- OCLC RDA Policy Statement, effective Mar. 31, 2013
- Final U.S. RDA Implementation Update from the U.S. RDA Test Coordinating Committee, Jan. 4, 2013
- PCC RDA BIBCO Standard Record (BSR) Metadata Application Profile. Rev., Jan. 1, 2013
- Changes in LC-PCC Policy Statements in the 11 December 2012 release of the RDA toolkit
- Outcomes of the 2012 JSC Meeting
- Fast Track entries included in the December 2012 release of RDA toolkit
- RDA toolkit outcomes from the 2012 JSC Meeting
- MARC 21 encoding to accommodate new RDA elements 046 and 3XX in NARs and SARs. Rev., Nov. 28, 2012
- Library of Congress. "Bibliographic framework as a web of data : linked data model and supporting services." Nov. 21, 2012
- Hahn, Joel. Connexion Client macro for copying dates from 100 ǂd to 046 ǂf and ǂg. Nov. 6, 2012
- Carlton, Tim. "Using the RDA toolkit." Rev., Oct. 2012
- Cristán, Ana Lupe. "RDA special topics. Conferences : guidelines for best practice." Rev., Oct. 2012
- RDA in NACO Training, Latest updates, Oct. 24, 2012
- MARC 21 encoding to accommodate new RDA elements 046 and 3XX in NARs and SARs. Rev., Oct. 13, 2012
- RDA in NACO Training. Module 10, Non-Latin Languages Supplement (Oct. 2012)
- MARC 21 encoding to accommodate new RDA elements 046 and 3XX in NARs and SARs. Rev., Oct. 2012
- Schiff, Adam L. "Constructing RDA access points." Oct. 7, 2012
- Changes in LC-PCC Policy Statements in the 9 October 2012 release of the RDA toolkit
- Fast Track entries included in the October 2012 release of the RDA toolkit
- Cristán, Ana Lupe. "RDA special topics. Conferences : guidelines for best practice." Rev., Sept. 2012
- Cristán, Ana Lupe. "RDA special topics. Relationship designators in RDA NARs." Rev., Sept. 2012
- LC RDA Online Training Plan. Rev., Sept. 14, 2012
- Decisions Table from Task Group to Formulate/Recommend PCC/NACO Policy on Authority Issues (High Priority) Report. Rev., Sept. 11, 2012
- PCC Post RDA Test Guidelines. Rev., Sept. 11, 2012
- FAQ. LC/PCC RDA and AACR2 practice for creating NARs for persons who use pseudonyms (update to address RDA cataloguing, Aug. 30, 2012)
- RDA in NACO Training, Module 6.a, Slide 34 and Library of Congress Training for RDA : Resource description & access, Module 6, Page 23, Slide 33 (Sept. 2012): justification of Japanese variant access points missing in this NAR as shown on these slides:
COIN will ask a Japanese cataloger to provide the necessary justification
(Sept. 4, 2012)
- Library of Congress. "FRBR overview and applicatoin : understanding conceptual relationships." Sept. 2012
- PCC Post RDA Test Guidelines. Rev., Aug. 31, 2012
- Carlton, Tim. "Using the RDA toolkit." Rev., Sept. 2012
- CONSER validation problem of bibliographic field 264s on Connexion Client fixed, Aug. 5, 2012
- Cristán, Ana Lupe. "RDA special topics. RDA elements in name authority records (NARs) : MARC21 fields." Rev., Aug. 2012
- RDA in NACO Training, Latest updates, Aug. 20, 2012
- Phase 1 of Conversion of LC/NACO Authority File to RDA completed, Aug. 20, 2012
- RDA in NACO Training, Quiz 4.d, Answers, 9: wrong answer:
In the absence of conflict, this can only be an AACR2 record
corrected to read instead:
In the absence of conflict, this can only be an RDA record
(Aug. 15, 2012)
- Subfield "2" under authority field 373 now made mechanically valid through OCLC Connexion Client, v. 2.4. E.g., BL NAR LCCN nb2012014088
- Changes in LCPSs in the August 2012 release of the RDA toolkit, rev., July 31, 2012
- FastTrack entries included in the August 2012 release of RDA toolkit, Aug. 6, 2012
- RDA-Schulungsmaterial
- National Library of China Publishing and ALA Publishing reach agreement on Chinese language RDA
- Summary of Programmatic Changes to the LC/NACO Authority File : What LC-PCC RDA Catalogers need to know, July 30, 2012
- Cristán, Ana Lupe. "RDA special topics. Conferences." Rev., July 2012
- Cristán, Ana Lupe. "RDA special topics. Compilations & collaborations." Rev., July 2012
- Cristán, Ana Lupe. "RDA special topics. RDA elements in name authority records (NARs) : MARC21 fields." Rev., June 2012
- U.S. RDA Implementation Updates from the U.S. RDA Test Coordinating Committee, June 20, 2012
- RDA toolkit release, June 12, 2012
- Library of Congress (LC) RDA Training Materials, June 2012
- PCC/NACO Institutions and NACO Funnels Scheduled for RDA in NACO Training Modules, May 15, 2012
- Carlton, Tim. "Using the RDA toolkit." Rev., May 2012
- Hahn, Joel. Connexion Client macro for addition of common 33x fields in a bibliographic or authority record via a menu. Rev. July 9, 2012
- RDA in NACO Training
- RDA toolkit release, May 8, 2012
- OCLC. Technical bulletin. 261. (OCLC-MARC format, update May 2012)
- Jones, Ed. RDA and serials cataloging. Chicago : American Library Association, 2012. ISBN 9780838911396.
- Maxwell, Robert L., 1957- Maxwell's handbook for RDA : explaining and illustrating RDA : Resource description and access using MARC21. Chicago : American Library Association, 2013. ISBN 9780838911723.
- Andrew, Paige G., and Mary Larsgaard. RDA and cartographic resources. Chicago : American Library Association, 2012. ISBN 9780838911310.
- El-Sherbini, Magda. RDA : strategies for implementation. Chicago : American Library Association, 2012. ISBN 9780838911686.
- MARC 21 format for authority data, update no. 14, Apr. 2012
- MARC 21 format for bibliographic data, update no. 14, Apr. 2012
- BSC Statement on DCRM and RDA, Apr. 13, 2012
- Welsh, Anne, 1972- Practical cataloguing : AACR, RDA and MARC21 / Anne Welsh and Sue Batley. New York : Neal-Schuman Publishers, imprint of American Library Association, 2012. LCCN 2012000552; ISBN 9781555707439.
- LCPS revision, Apr. 2012
- RDA toolkit release, Apr. 10, 2012
- RDA Element Analysis, rev., Apr. 4, 2012
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