Page history
last edited
by Hideyuki Morimoto 11 years ago
I. CJK bibliographic examples by formats/media type with OCLC#/LCCN
- Print monographs
- C
- LCCN 2011510130
- LCCN 2011405914
- LCCN 2011405506
- MR #767834956
- IR#701928146
- MR#702516181
- J
- LCCN 2011496996
- LCCN 2011528232
- LCCN 2011528013
- WRONG: IR #768134091 (not MR #721832896, which is fine): coded: Desc: i; 040-ǂe rda, but fields 336 and 338 are missing, which are both RDA core elements (6.9 and 3.3)
- IR #770675495 [compilation--more than one creator--with collective title proper, but parallel title for each component; different handling from AACR2]
- IR #770711751 [later edition with different title--change in handling from AACR2. i.e., no longer a related work as under AACR2 but related expression of the same work to be linked through 130/240]
- IR#733804697
- IR#728201821
- IR#741959608
- IR#741311523
- IR#761220838
- IR #770978355 [compilation of selected works in single form by one author with distinctive title--LC's policy change from LCRI to LCPS]
- IR#760321754
- K
- LCCN 2011385083
- LCCN 2011484583
- LCCN 2011484752
- IR#741311248
- MR#761530621
- IR#768351835
- MR#768267249
- Print serials
- C
- IR #733059758
- IR #743325560
- IR #745414011
- LCCN 2010255060
- LCCN 2012255060
- MR #46481334 (in AACR2, but test record in RDA, with scanned sources for issues new ser. 1 and new ser. 2)
- MR #680140905 (in AACR2, but test record in RDA, with scanned sources for first issue)
- MR #63037486 (in AACR2, but test record in RDA, with scanned sources for issues 3, 5, 8, 9)
- MR #682765300 (in AACR2, but test record in RDA, with scanned sources for issues 2005-2006, 2007-2008)
- J
- IR #740978244
- IR #741779007
- IR #745414010
- IR #730556609
- IR #728201821
- MR #669074681 (in AACR2, but test record in RDA, with scanned sources for issues 2009 and 2010)
- E-journals
- C
- J
- MR #739899801 (no IR attached)
- K
- MR #712789549 (no IR attached)
- E-books
- C
- IR #694519137
- MR #763322692 (no IR attached)
- Microform
- C
- IR #733059758
- IR #733062361
- IR #693949705
- Video-recording
- C
- MR #185028139 (no IR attached)
- IR #748688899
- MR #725926349 (no IR attached)
- IR #746801331
- IR #761731039
- MR #733407862 (no IR attached)
- MR #719377235 (no IR attached)
- MR #728169484 (no IR attached)
- MR #741676135 (no IR attached)
- MR #690836320 (no IR attached)
- IR #693953263
- MR #774718038
- J
- MR #717323192 (no IR attached)
- MR #710825534 (no IR attached)
- MR #713657848 (no IR attached)
- K
- MR #772633662 (no IR attached)
- MR #773926279 IR #774416991
- MR #778565935 IR #778703393
- IR # 776299962
- Integrating resources
- C
- LCCN 2011255095 (database)
- LCCN 2011255094 (database)
- J
- K
- 2-dimensional graphics
- Notated Music
- C
- MR #691379833 IR#743326523
- MR #691379977 IR#691441685
- MR #756442131
- MR #756442129
- MR #756442125
- MR #726091695
- MR #803608364
- J
- K
- MR #773837102 IR #776694551
- MR #778090822
- Cartographic resources
- C
- LCCN 2012586024
- LCCN 2010585776
- MR #774059861
- J
- MR #767908132
- MR #693627897
- MR #709623636
- K
- MR #825114771 IR #825115599
- MR #801706587 IR #825824035
- Special types of resources
- Comic books, strips, etc./Graphic novels
- C
- J
- K
- LCCN 2012441825
- LCCN 2012441654
II. CJK authority examples by types with LCCN
- Persons
- C
- LCCN no2011082900
- LCCN no2011120255
- LCCN no2011198506
- LCCN n 81107835 [AACR2 record, to which RDA elements were added; see Review Point 6 on Q & A sub-page]
- LCCN no2011189556 [with $c to break conflict]
- LCCN no2011198506 [pulled out of undifferentiated name authority record]
- LCCN n 86089411 [B.C. dates & $2 edtf in AACR2 NAR]
- LCCN n 87871555
- LCCN n 87938309
- LCCN n 780419779 [jin shi date]
- LCCN n 81096380
- LCCN n 50027264 [B.C. dates & $2 edtf in AACR2 NAR]
- LCCN n 88267495 ["13th/14th cent." date in AACR2 NAR]
- LCCN n 81125357
- LCCN n 88267495
- LCCN n 81126863
- LCCN n 80117265
- LCCN no2012000530
- LCCN n 2012000616 [Question: May field 100 and 400 exactly match, as long as coded RDA?]
- LCCN n 2012002341 [first word of 374-ǂa not capitalized]
- LCCN no2012007582 [Chinese character variant access point under 400, but 008/29 set to "a", no 667 note, and not justified under 670]
- LCCN no2012007543 [both date and occupation added]
- LCCN no2013006133 [pull from undiff name--LCCN n 88073679]
- LCCN no2013006132 [by-product of research and creation of LCCN no2013006133]
- LCCN nr 99032088 [Revised to RDA, alternative identity of Cai, Xiaorong--LCCN no2013006135]
- LCCN no2013006135 [real identity of Mai, Qi--LCCN nr 99032088]
- LCCN no2013015222 [Mongolian name, b. in 1970s --recording in 046]
- LCCN no2013017350 [group member of LCCN no2013017353]
- LCCN no2013017352 [group member of LCCN no2013017353]
- J
- LCCN no2010198385
- LCCN no2011184933
- LCCN no2010193300
- LCCN n 81138853
- LCCN n 79020651
- LCCN n 82149062
- LCCN n 81043075
- LCCN no 00007750
- Fictitious Entities
- Non-Human Entities
- K
- LCCN n 2011077799
- LCCN n 2011079302
- LCCN n 2011074213
- LCCN n 2006063106
- LCCN n 86089862
- LCCN n 2006063106
- LCCN n 2012003236
- LCCN n 2012003236 [month spelt out under 100/400]
- Families
- Corporate bodies/conferences
- C
- J
- LCCN no2011035235
- LCCN no2011035230
- LCCN n 50061770
- K
- LCCN no2011083779
- LCCN no2010129799
- LCCN n 2012002340
- LCCN n 2012002344
- LCCN n 2012001734
- Geographic names
- Series
- C
- LCCN no2011135363
- LCCN no2011140343
- LCCN no2011139963
- LCCN no2011067649
- LCCN no2011187954
- LCCN no2011079267
- LCCN no2012001816
- J
- LCCN no2011088074
- LCCN no2011088094 (800) [HM comment: this SAR uses an AACR2-formulated personal name followed by RDA-formulated title (ǂt-ǂk-ǂf), which is currently not established as per "PCC Post RDA Test Guidelines," 5, Situation 1 (http://www.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/PCC-Post-RDA-Test.html)]
- K
- LCCN no2011192860
- LCCN no2012005840
Kimhae Kim Ssi Anʼgyŏnggong Pʻa Chonghoe
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Comments (1)
Hideyuki Morimoto said
at 3:28 pm on Jan 5, 2012
Page currently edited and locked by CC. After the page is unlocked, add:
Print monographs--J: IR #770711751 [later edition with different title--change in handling from AACR2. i.e., no longer a related work as under AACR2 but related expression of the same work to be linked through 130/240]
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