
2018 CEAL Cataloging Workshop

Page history last edited by Charlene Chou 6 years, 10 months ago

2018 CEAL Cataloging Workshop 


Co-sponsored by CEAL Committee on Technical Processing (CTP), CEAL Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources (ERMB), and George Washington University Libraries


I. Workshop description 

This workshop will cover reports on RDA 3R project, NACO updates, ERMB cooperative cataloging for e-resources and CJK CONSER Funnel project, etc.  In addition, this workshop will have group discussions on CEAL best practices, e.g. CJK demographic and genre terms, CJK numerals (e.g. Japanese Numeral Subgroup) and CJK serials title changes. 


II. Registration information 


Date: Tuesday, March 20th, 2018

Time: 8:30 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.

Presenters: CEAL Committee of Technical Processing members, CJK NACO Coordinator, Kate James and Jessalyn Zoom from LC, etc. 

Location: Venue: Gelman Library, Churchill Center, George Washington University, Washington DC


Estimated registration fee: $20 for CEAL member (paid online); $25 for non-CEAL member (paid by check); exact registration fee and payment instruction will be forwarded along with the registration confirmation after January 31, 2018 (late registration accepted if space permits and is subject to a late registration fee); Click here to check your CEAL membership status and AAS status.  To obtain the discount, inactive members need to apply for or renew the membership(s) by 1/31/2018.

Registration form: https://goo.gl/forms/oAbpMa1Kbwu41bqg2

Registration deadline: January 26th, 2018; limited space; first come first serve

Registration Payment Instruction -- CEAL members

CEAL members should pay the forum registration fee via the AAS Committee Payment page on the AAS’ website: http://www.asian-studies.org/About/Committee-Payment-Donations.

-Enter the total, $21 (including the $1 credit card service fee) in the box labeled "Council on East Asian Libraries (CEAL)."

- Click the "Submit Payments - Donations" button at the bottom of the page. Follow the procedure to pay your registration fee online.

- Email your Online Payment Confirmation page with "CEAL Cataloging Workshop Receipt" in the email subject line to: the Workshop Treasurer, Runxiao Zhu, at rzhu@oberlin.edu. A CEAL receipt of the Cataloging Workshop registration will be sent to you via email as soon as your payment confirmation is received.

--Please note: Registration is only valid when your payment is received; registration fee is non-refundable.


Registration Payment Instruction -- Non-CEAL members

Non-CEAL members must pay the registration fee of $25 by check (traveler's check recommended if from a foreign bank). Make your check payable to "The Association for Asian Studies Inc." with "CEAL Cataloging Workshop Registration" in the note field on the check and mail it to the Workshop Treasurer, Runxiao Zhu, Mudd 115, 148 W. College Street, Oberlin, OH44074.

A CEAL receipt of the Cataloging Workshop registration will be sent to you via email as soon as your check is received. 

--Please note: Registration is only valid when your payment is received; registration fee is non-refundable.


III. Tentative schedules 


8am:                   Check-in & light breakfast

8:30-9:30:          RDA 3R Project: Status Report by Kate James (LC)

9:30-10:00         NACO Updates by Jessalyn Zoom (LC)

                           CJK NACO Best Practices by Shi Deng (UCSD)

10:00-10:15:      Coffee break

10:15-11:30:      Group discussion on CJK best practices:

10:15-10:45           CJK Pseudonyms Best Practices by Shi Deng (UCSD)                      

10:45-11:00           CJK Numerals by CTP & Numeral Subgroup of Japanese Romanization Working Group: Keiko Suzuki (New School) & Charlene Chou (U Washington)

11:00-11:30           CJK Demographic and Genre Terms by SAC Subcommittee on Faceted Vocabularies: Lia Contursi (Columbia Law) & Charlene   

                               Q & A                       

11:30-12:00:      Reports from ERMB Cooperative Cataloging Project for e-Resources and CJK CONSER Funnel Project by Bie-Hwa Ma (UCSD) & Charlene      

                               Q & A

12:00-12:45:      Lunch time—light lunch provided


IV. Workshop recording

      (2 hours 47 minutes except RDA 3R project--please accept our apologies)


V. Evaluation

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