Reference tools for searching geographic names
NACO Training Resources
- LC NACO Training Materials
- 2019 CJK NACO Training on Series
- 2017 CJK NACO Online training schedule (Training PPTs are posted on CJK NACO Project webpage)
- Webinar 2a: CJK material: Searching: Thursday, September 14, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM EDT (1.5 hours)
- Webinar 3a: CJK material: Identifying Persons and Families: Monday, September 18, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM EDT (1.5 hours)
- Webinar 4a: CJK material: Identifying Corporate Bodies: Wednesday, September 20, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM EDT (1.5 hours)
- Webinar 5a: CJK material: Identifying Places: Monday, September 25, 1:00 PM - 2:30PM EDT (1.5 hours)
- Webinar 6a: CJK material: Identifying Works and Expressions: Thursday, September 28, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM EDT (1.5 hours)
- Past CEAL NACO Training Materials (Some training instructions may be out of date. Please check the RDA, LC-PCC PS, and PCC websites for updated instructions)
NACO review via OCLC Connexion Client:
NACO Macro for Non-Latin names cited from OCLC CJK User Group Toolkit page:
- NACOCJK.mbk (CJK NACO macro for Connexion 2.50 (courtesy of Ryan Finnerty, Hideyuki Morimoto and Joel Han. )
Search CJK NACO contribution in OCLC Connexion (tips provided by Hideyuki Morimoto
- Search contribution by year:
Connexion Client: Shift-F2:
ln:n2016* and vp:cjk --> (from LC)
ln:nb2016* and vp:cjk --> (from British Library)
ln:no2016* and vp:cjk --> (from OCLC)
ln:ns2016* and vp:cjk --> (from SkyRiver)
- Search contributions by year and a particular institution
Connexion Client: Shift-F2
ln:2016* and vp:cjk and cs:cus
Connexion Client: Shift-F2
- Search 046 with both EDTF and ISO 8601 formats
Connexion Client: Shift-F2
pn:century and kw:edtf and vp:cjk
Have a CJK NACO Question? Please send to us here. We may either answer your question(s) or host online Q&A sessions with NACO experts to discuss questions collected.
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